On Monday, I will go back to school. I had a good summer. I went to Baltimore where I went to the Aquarium and went inside a submarine that looks like a three thousand foot shark!
Then, I visited family in Pennsylvania and New York. I climbed a tree with three of my cousins and we did a lot of swimming. This was my favorite part of my summer.
Also, I went to a water water park called
Blizzard Beach. And, they made it look like there was a snow storm with fake

snow on everything. I loved the part in the little kids section where there was a ice cube bridge crossing and there was a zip line. I really loved the ice cube bridge crossing.
And, guess what... my dad bought a motorcycle called a Harley Davidson Road King. He took me for a ride. I thought it was super cool!
I am looking forward to school because I want to see my friends. I'll let you know how the first day goes.